About me

Feeling good is to demonstrate absurdly inflated ambitions, because just feeling is already quite a rare phenomenon. Amelie Nothomb (translation is mine)

The path to your feeling and (let’s think big:)) enjoying yourselves can go through beauty. Beauty is indeed the best therapy and an endless source of energy. Changing habits in which you have settled opens horizons, trying a new look is an adventure.  Spend a day in a new look and you will get a lot of curious, secret views, smiles and short dialogs. Spend a day in greasy jeans (after all you are not doing anything important, why to dress up for small errands?) and there will be nothing but fatigue and irritation against sluggish bank employees, "stupid" sellers, drivers, pedestrians, yourself and the world. 

Style cannot be taught; only the direction of thoughts can be set. Being stylish and elegant is when the harmony between your inner and outer worlds is reached. For each of us it means different things. People following this principle become icons of style.  I can help you to think, but the real transformation depends on you.

I did not want to be a stylist when I was young. I did not know that this profession existed:)  As a teenager I went to an art school, but the pressure was so high that after three years of intensive drawing and sculpting, I stopped to draw for a while. My next attraction was Biology, then Law, I ended up in financial industry where I worked for over ten years, and then as it should be with a good old Cinderella I got married ...

My special “stylist education” helps a lot, it set the path. However I believe that reading, which is my drug (see http://allbooksaboutwomen.blogspot.be/), my passion for ballet and movies, my life experiences help me more.  Living at the border of three European countries also brings a lot of surprises and inspiration:).

PS: English is not my native, so sorry for mistakes. 

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